
The platform faced the highest ever number of churn and NPS between -100% and -1%.
The HelpDesk sector's average is between 50% and 74%.

I started a project to solve this issue.
I started with a full diagnose of the problem and proposed a solution to bring
the company's NPS closer to the industry's baseline.

Design Process

I gather the team to create a stakeholder map and followed with stakeholder interviews. After gathering relevant information in a CSD matrix I held a workshop to understand and validate the problem in its entire complexity.
These initial interactions also served the purpose of understanding the
perception that each area had about the product.

The participants on these conversations were: CEO, board, customer success
team, designers and developers.

We collaborated to create a SWOT analysis covering each area.

(main points)

This stage's main goal was to understand the user's point of view regarding the platform's
negative aspects and improvements areas.

We mapped 3 main user profiles along with the costumer success team.

15 people were interviewed

The interviews were followed by SUS (System Usability Scale) based questions to measure the level of usability of the system. 

We used the following criteria:

1. Effectiveness (can users complete their goals?)
2. Efficiency (how much effort and resources are needed to do this?)
3. Satisfaction (was the experience satisfactory?)
Main discoveries:​​​​​​​
This information was arranged in a spreadsheet and each feature was
categorized according to:

1. Gain for the business
2. Positive impact for the user
3. Implementation complexity
Most and least used features (according to the research)

After the analysis it was possible to identify what was causing the problem and a radical solution is proposed: remaking the product from scratch.

The teams were divided into two squads.

1. One to maintain the product that was already implemented;
2. Another to build the new product following the users' needs.

Design and Dev Team
To better understand the platform and how we could do it differently
we mapped the current flow, then we designed a new flow for a 
new platform more suited to our users.

In this stage the wireframes were designed and usability tests were carried out with users.
The features designed and tested followed the order of relevance imposed by the spreadsheet made in the analysis stage.

The tests were done with:​​​​​​​
Design Principles

Before looking at the system itself, we decided to establish design principles
for the whole organisation.

Design principles were based on the lessons learned from the interviews, where visual aspects of products and services that customers use and enjoy the most were explored.
You can read more about Octadesk's design principles
Style Guide
modular scale

Final Layout

Away Mode
set your status

The “away” mode allows the user to tell others when they are available. 
When the user is available, new chats are brought to them, but when they are
unavailable, the chats are redirected to another user.


