GM Fabric – Commercial
Client : GMF 
Credits : Conceptualizer, Director

The GMF’s objective behind this commercial was to establish the range of products such as Curtains, Upholstery, Cushions & Couches that are made using the fabric (Embroideries, Velvets, Digital prints, Sheers, Plains & Textures)  they manufacture and speak about the connect they share with human life. The challenge was to personify the brand by associating it with relevant human values and still make the existing/potential customers aware of the variety of products the Brand offers.  

I focussed on building a narrative around simple moments of day-to-day life such as a kid playing around curtains OR jumping around couches, wherein the products could appear naturally yet predominantly. I kept the camerawork lucid & poetic thereby drawing a parallel between the texture/colour/shade of fabric & that of different relationships within the family. By choosing a musical treatment that could further personify a fabric by associating its attributes such as tenderness, warmth with the traits of human relationships, a brand-centric film with product manifestation objectives was delivered.
GM Fabrics