Redefine home try-on for jewelry.

What we did:
In close collaboration with AUrate's founders we defined a new future-proof brand and positioning and by mapping consumer's needs we identified the new value proposition. This became our foundation for AUrate's second online platform: Curate. 

With Curate customers get up to 5 pieces of personally curated jewelry deliverd at their home. Free of charge. They can send back the pieces they don't want to have an keep what they like. 

First batch Sold out within 24 hours. Second batch within 2 days. 
The waiting list is growing by the day.

Design - Jochem van der Veer
Art Direction - Liza van Duyn
Packaging - Ate Pantjes
Engineering - Charles Beaumont

Curate by AUrate

Curate by AUrate

With curate we're redefining the way people shop jewelry online. Get 5 pieces to try on at home, free of charge. Keep what you like.
