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Corporate Gifts

Do’s and Don’ts of Corporate Gifting for Clients and Employees
Doesn’t matter what business niche you belong to, sending corporate gifts for clients are an essential part of any business strategy. But do you know that even in the gifting process, there is a certain set of rules that you need to follow. And the whole experience can be a big blunder if you don’t know the gifting etiquettes. Many times, we think that the impressive gift is the one that is more expensive; but it isn’t so. If you go for a gift that is too expensive and send to the individual who isn’t interested in those specific kind of gifts, it would be a complete fail irrespective of your good intentions.

Moreover, there are certain do’s and don’ts that are associated with the gift giving. And they are different for the gifts for employees and clients’ gifts. That is why today we are going to discuss some of the etiquettes that you should follow as an employer and as a seller while sending out the gifts to your employees and clients respectively.

Gift for Employees

1. Always be consistent while giving the gifts to the employees. They should be similar and don’t miss anyone.
2. While giving away the gifts to your employees, never play the favorite game. All the employees should be treated as equal.
3. Include every member of your team that should also include the part time workers, contractors and cleaning staff.
4. Don’t limit yourself to the gifts that can be only used in the office. People appreciate those gifts more that can be used outside the office premises as well.
5. You can always ask for the suggestions from the employees. In this way, you can get an idea as what should be the gift.

Gift for Clients

1. Before sending out the gifts, ensure that you double check the spellings of the names.
2. Ensure that every year, there is a different gift that you are sending out to your clients. This becomes more important when you have the same names in your list every year.
3. While selecting the gift, keep in mind that they are gender neutral and are generic in nature. Refrain from sending out the gifts that display a romantic gesture.
4. It is better to avoid a group gift. Always try to send individual gifts as that would have a better impact as compared to the group gift.
5. Many companies have strict policies when it comes to the gifts. So, ensure your gifts abide by the rules.
6. It is better to keep off the old clients from the list of individuals whom you are sending out the gifts. It would be seen as a desperate attempt to get back their business.

With that being said, these are some of the do’s and don’ts of the executive gifts that you should definitely follow while sending out the gifts to employees as well as the clients.

Corporate Gifts

Corporate Gifts


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