Rasika Dhakite's profile

Natural Dye- Experiment

The way I see it, everything in the cosmos is inherently chaotic. One doesn't know what to expect. Most of us aren't accustomed to comprehend the chaos because we are conditioned to use logic and reasoning since our birth as it helps us see the bigger picture. Similarly, a piece of fabric solely is quite meaningless, multiple pieces of fabric kept lying haphazardly, are disarray, but when they are arranged in a pattern, they attain meaning. Being a Designer, we unlock the symmetry covered in chaos and convey through our art that everything has its own beauty, where others only see the chaos.
Cotton Yarn pre-treated with Alum powder and dyed with Natural Dyes- Madder root, Rose petals, Tea, Neem, Mandur, Coffee, Catechu, Onion skin, Marigold flower petals, Turmeric.
The yarns have been weaved using a small loom (home made using cardboard)
Natural Dye- Experiment


Natural Dye- Experiment


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