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Mughal Traditional Miniature Painting

​​​​​​​                                     Mughal Traditional Miniature Painting 

Mughal miniature were small, brightly colored, and highly detailed paintings mostly used to illustrate manuscripts and art books. Despite their tiny sizes, they are incredibly precise, with some lines painted using brushes composed of a single hair. This miniature valued color and extreme detail over shading and realistic perspective, giving figures a static appearance, frozen in positions that emphasize their two-dimensionality.
Mughal Miniature
Roshni Tasdeeq
6in. x 7in.
Gadh Rang Gouache on Wasli
For me Miniature painting, requires great concentration, patience, a very steady hand, extreme caution when handling the delicate work and of course the desire to subject oneself to these additional burdens solely for the aim of making the art on a smaller scale.
The medium which I used is Gadh Rang Gouache on wasli. All Gouache colors had to be prepared before they were suitable for use in painting.
Mughal Traditional Miniature Painting


Mughal Traditional Miniature Painting

Mughal Traditional miniature painting. The size of this painting is 12in. x 14in. Medium: Gadh Rang Gouache on Wasli
